Sunday, April 19, 2009


So we got a new puppy on Saturday! Brie's parents have a little West Highland Terrier named Yuki that they bred and we got one of his offspring! Here's Matilda with Tim and Brie meeting the pup for the first time

Very energetic, it's hard to get a picture of a puppy and some kids where someone's not blurry from moving too fast

She was born on February 2nd, so she's about 10 weeks old now

We kicked around a whole bunch of names and finally decided to call her Iris. Brie came up with it, and I liked it immediately because it was always on my short list for girl baby names.

She's very sweet and playful. Of course it will be an adjustment with a new puppy at the same time as having two little kids, but we adapt, and it'll be fun.

Little Iris

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Eggs

Here are some more pictures from Easter.  Brie (bless her heart) found the energy to get up early and hide a bunch of easter eggs out side for the kids to find

We put Matilda into her new dress and all she wanted to do was play in the dirt:


Griffin eating a carrot out of the garden, I don't know why he looks sad

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had the kids dress up for Easter (isn't that customary?)  and some pictures were taken.  Griffin really loved his shirt and tie, and wanted to wear it all day, even to the park.  He kept calling himself "Clark Kent" because he asked me which superhero wore a suit.  Very cute.  Matilda looks great in her little dress, but she kept stepping on it when she was walking and getting frustrated.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Little Matthew!!

Andrew and Denise welcomed little Matthew into the world today, April 12th. 7 pounds, 4 oz. Congratulations!!