Tuesday, March 17, 2009

8 Tracks

A friend introduced me to a new website that I've been having a lot of fun with for the last few days. You can create a short mix of music and publish it to share with anybody. I've always enjoyed making "mix tapes" in my youth, and then "mix CD's" that I would do in certain themes and copy then for friends. Now I can do it online and I post the link on my facebook page to share. If you go to the website:


Then search for davmfoster it will connect you to my mixes. I've made about 10 now and have ideas for a bunch more. They're short, each is about 8 tracks (hence the name) but you can add more songs if they're not too long . On the right hand side of the page are icons for each mix. Some of my icons look like South Park characters, just click on one and you'll get to the mix.

Then you can follow my profile (or anyone's) and be alerted when I post something new. Their musical selection isn't great (and their search function is really poor) but you can upload your own tracks so it's all good. Yet another online distraction.


Andrew said...

why don't you make a list of your top 100 8 tracks...I'm sure it would be great reading...

David Foster said...

Oh, I probably will. Just for you